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Writer's pictureMs. Manners Un-posted

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

(Source: Etsy)

We all have heard that phrase all too often. While it may seem cliché', believe me – it still rings true. So much so that from time to time, it warrants re-visiting. Like now.

Unless you've been living under a rock lately, you are more than aware that we are in a global pandemic.

So, where am I going with this? More so, how does it relate to etiquette and manners? - is what you may be wondering. After all, this is an etiquette blog, right?

Simply put, while we are still in the battle of our lives to kick this pandemic and return to, a sense of normalcy (whatever that may be) – I see where many have become desensitized to those directly impacted by COVID-19.

Many have undergone treatment after contracting the virus, some with only mild symptoms and others, hospitalized, and on ventilators. Some didn't even make it home again, falling victim to the dire clutches of COVID-19, coronavirus, the 'Rona.' Whatever name you may call it, it is no laughing matter. Especially not to those that have lost their loved ones.

Bringing it back home to manners and etiquette, I think it bears this reminder: Be kind.

Be kind in how you speak to others.

Your attitude is not warranted nor appreciated when the person in front of you kindly asks that you back up some. Nor is an attitude required when requesting your space (if someone is crowding you).

There's a lot to be said about tone and context. Speak to people in the same manner, you desire others to speak to you. Here's where you need to be sure you know your audience.

While it may be a funny story for you to retell a story about 'Rona', it may not be to someone that has had to bury a loved one.

Be kind in how you interact with others out in public.

I know - I get it. At this time, many of us have been in some sort of isolation or quarantine, social distancing, or just plain scared to venture out – for at least 5 – 6 months. The last thing we all need is someone starting 'ish' with us.

(Soure: Google image)

The point here is that it is not your place to tell someone how to wear their mask or when to wear it.

(Source: Google Image)

Trust me, they know. After all, it's state-mandated in most places. Instead, just kindly...back up, walk away, or do whatever you need to do within your control to keep safe. Poking the bear is not going to make it any safer for you.

Besides, I don't want to see you in the next 'Karen', 'Ken', or 'KiKi' video getting dragged for trying to police the local grocery store.

Think about it y'all, we are all in this together. Let's all mind our manners; and never forget -

"In a world where you can be anything, be kind."


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Delores Shabazz
Delores Shabazz
Sep 29, 2020

I just really enjoyed reading this post because it is something we can all relate to in this day and age. I do not mind letting someone know when they are in my 6ft. personal boundary, and vise versa. Thank you for sharing Ms. Manners Un-Posted.

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